Remunerations for senior executives
The 2020 Annual General Meeting adopted guidelines for the remuneration and other terms of employment for senior executives in accordance with attached document (see foot of page). The guidelines also apply to Board Members to the extent that they receive remuneration for services performed for the Group in addition to their board assignments.
The guidelines apply to remuneration agreed to after the annual general meeting 2020 and to amendments to already agreed remunerations which are made thereafter. The guidelines do not apply to remuneration resolved by the general meeting. Regarding employments which are subject to other legislation than Swedish legislation, appropriate adjustments regarding pension benefits and other benefits may be done in order to comply with mandatory statues or local customs, whereby these guidelines’ comprehensive purpose shall be catered as far as practically possible. The guidelines also apply to board members insofar as they receive remuneration for services rendered to the company in addition to the board assignment. What is stipulated about the company also applies, if applicable, to the group.